
We’ve built a legacy by exceeding our clients’ expectations.

Supply Chain Optimization
  • Logistics management activities
  • Marine and supply strategy fulfillment
  • Market Intelligence
Departments we partner with
  • Supply and trading
  • Marine
  • Logistics, procurement, and SCM
We provide our clients with:

Vessel sourcing

Tactical transportation strategies

Streamline communication and supplier coordination

Negotiating marine contracts

Process integration

Information sharing services between supply chain partners

Develop strategic partnerships

Align marine and supply strategy

Finely Tuned Services

At KTB we provide broking, consulting, and outsourcing services. These services are supported by our data analytics services.

Our wraparound service means that we cultivate every advantage of your business.

We have vast knowledge, years of experience, and are dedicated to fulfilling all of your requirements.

As a boutique firm, our unique Client Specific Program provides the skillset and flexibility to provide tailor-made services by using innovative, intelligent, and customer specific packages. In short, we are more than your traditional broker.